Here is my newest Video. Episode 6 already of my SEEN Webseries. I will post a longer post about Windsurfing, Spots, Travel and much more in Sri Lanka soonish, but I am pretty busy right now – finishing some work on the Lake, getting my last session in Austria tmrw, flying to Amsterdam on Tuesday for some exciting news coming soon and then travel to Brazil next week…
Back in Europe, back in reality, but hey this trip was the hell of a ride. Epic. From the Windsurfside of life it was a lot of lightwind Windsurfing – I was most of the time on my 5.2 Idol LTD 2018 and my 100l Flikkaboards Freestyle (but the compact one with just 210 length, an epic board btw). After the 4 weeks in Sri Lanka, I ve to say I got better in those lightwind conditions and in the end I got some proper sessions with my 4.8 aswell. Some days I could use even my 4.4.
But what made this trip an incredible one? That’s actually hard to say, but I like the friendly local people, the food, the cultur, the adventure aswell the amazing DESILVA Windresort Crew. Beside Windsurfing in Kalpitiya in the North West of Sri Lanka, I traveled also down to the south to catch a few waves in Weligama, as there was no swell in the famous Arugam Bay.
What’s also great about Sri Lanka is, that you can check some cultural places and somehow they have a lot of energy – hard to describe.
Anyways there will be a few videos dropping soon – SEEN 6, JBL Sri Lanka Stories and probably a Sri Lanka Impressions Videos aswell. And I will give you a proper Sri Lanka Story and Guide aswell on my page in the following weeks, so stay tuned.
Whats next?! Actually I am trying to make a winterplan these days, looks like I am heading to Brazil in the end of October.
Soooo thats it for Fuerte! Anyway it was quite windy haha. I realized one more time that 4.4 is the perfect sailsize, I learned how to Pasko on the way in, I ducked my sail 200 000 times, I tried to loop on my bad tack, and I crashed around 1 000 000 sailducks – ah yeah and I survived 55 knots with 4.4. My highlight of the trip was a lonely evening session with 4.0 and my waveboard -with waves. I could ride them and really play on it – unfortunatly we thought this happens more often and did not film – yes, because of the flying sand – so we missed all my best session. Anyway I put together a quick edit at it would be sad not to use the footage as some of the shots are pretty good, while some shots are not that brilliant. Anyways thanks to Theresa who made this video possible. We are going to Sri Lanka already this week – so there is more coming… very soon!
In my new Video SEEN 4, I take you to Tarifa, in Winter. What in Winter?! Yes, you heard right. I spent already a few winters there, for some good reasons. Everyday different conditions: waves ,chop, flat, strong, light; SUP, good match for my budget, lots of space on the water, high level. Anyways you can read on this page already a lot about Tarifa. So here is SEEN Episode4.
After some years of Tarifa break, I finally made it back to the small town in South of Spain. Like always winters there bring a huge variaty of conditions. I was on all my sails from 3.7 to 5.2. I was pumping in flatwater on 5.2 and thought my hands are falling of with my 3.7 in Waves. Anyways I found out that 4.4 Pure is my personal magic sail and I really love it.
After not Windsurfing for a quite a while it was very hard. I thought I could straight sail like in Brazil – EEEEHHHM NO. It got better every session, and with the mix of conditions I felt that as soon it got a bit easier – I am already very confident on ducking the sail. One day could be really good, but then the next day you sail again in very gusty conditions and you have a hard time crashing a lot although its flat.
Beside that we worked on two Videoprojects for JBL and Under Armour. We finished up both already. One is featuring a Headphone called Heartrate and the other one the brandnew JBL Flip 4. Like always it was great fun to produce this Imageclips.
Pretty soon I will release the next Episode of SEEN. It will be about this whole trip to Andalucia, this time we have less footage than normal. But the rawcut looks already really promising of a just very beautiful Video.
And when there was no wind?! Yes, SUP 🙂
Thats it. For Brazil 2016. What an amazing time…
The last two months past really fast. First my friends at me stayed in Jericoacoara – a pretty known spot 😉 With my Buddy Chris (ccfilms.at) I was shooting for Seen Episode III – The Vision. Seen III will be very different to the last two episodes – so I am excited to show my baby to the world. It should be out very soon and couple of JBL Clips for the IFA, which will also appear on Facebook and other Social Media Channels.
Anyways. Jeri was very cool, but the wind made a bit of a slow start and I was everyday on 4.6 for the first one or two weeks in July. What I like about Jeri is that it feels like coming home. Everybody is happy to see you and it feels very familar, so the first weeks were a lot about catching up with Edvan, Aurora, Hugo, Jonathan, Jamilson, Renato, and my more!!! Then suddenly the wind came back to the normal strength and I was lot on my 4.2. Classic Jeri Conditions. We tried to make a lot out of it and Chris filmed quite a bit with his new waterhousing and the new drone – some of the shots are insane – be prepared…
Same time my girlfriend (yes I am in a serious relationship finally) dropped by and we had some lonely evening sessions where she learned to Windsurf really good. Suddenly she felt ready to try new spots, so we started to drive around a bit. With the whole Crew we hade pure soulsessions in Lagoa Paraiso and River Guriu.
After six weeks Jeri it was enough and time to move on. I heard a lot about a spot which is called „Maceio“ close to Camocim. So Jo Meyer (a lot of my pictures a made by him), Luki, my brother Mo, Theresa and me started the adventure into the unknown. Sadly Chris was staying behind in Jeri (I still dont know why really haha).
Maceio is a crazy place. Yes it’s true, if they tell you there is not much. But there is enough to have a happy life. We were living in nice house next to the beach. The Buggygarage was our surfstation with our rigged sails. The owner was mega nice and cooked fresh fish, soup and Langosta for us very often.
Windsurfing in Maceio was quite tough. Its crazy strong, the waves have a bit more power and with the wrong tide its mega choppy – but with the right tide this place is amazing. But its good to bring a lot of equipment – the boys were killing the boards and the sails haha. Unluckily my brother hurt is foot on the first day and could not sail anymore – but in the end he was still happy us the life next to the sea is amazing with all the friendly people around.
A few times we were riding to Camocim for some pure flatwater – but I realized quite soon that I like the powerfreestyle conditons with the small waves in Maceio much much more – you can throw huge culos, konos, shakas, shifties…and its flat between the waves as well.
Thank you to Edvan and Aurora, Hugo, Jamilson, Fabrizio, Ana, Omar, Jeri250, Kitezen
Just enjoyed some windy days down there in Croatia. Since I ve been back from Capetown – it was quiet cold in Austria, but last week a proper Bora-forecast for Istria, Croatia popped up – so I finally started the Windsurfing Season also in Europe.
We had kind of mixed conditions as I was sailing all my sails from 4.2 overpowered (local guys on 3.4-3.7) to 5.0 pumping. I was sailing with Woife Strasser from Germany, one of the most inspiring guys, I met for a long time. Altough he is around 50 and has cancer – he is really fit and pushing himself into the Freestylemoves. My friend Jo took some pictures.
On the way back I dropped by at Flikkaboards – discussing some changes on the upcoming Freestyleboard and I also picked up some Testboards from the Coreline. You can now test the Allround Wave 85, Freewave 99 and 107 in Podersdorf at Surfshop USD. If you wanna try the Freestyle its also no problem – get in touch with me! I ve a couple of boards ready to go!
This time I really wanna thank Ford Beyschlag for helping me out with this nice van (already last year), but I enjoy driving so much with it!
What should I say…I was expecting a bit more…I don’t know, I had a really nice time with my friends, but from the Windsurfing side it was just not as good as expected. We were driving and searching wind like crazy and we found almost wind everytime – but the conditions were not often really nice.
I was sailing a lot on different lakes and almost never on the sea. If you read through a list of the spots I ve been to it sounds like this Sandvlei-Rietvlei-Brandvlei-Brandvlei-Brandvlei-Rietvlei-Sandvlei-Doodles-Rietvlei-Melkbos-Brandvle-Rietvlei-Rietvlei-Doodles(hahahahaha) – yes, Doodles is a Bar, I know cheers to my brus Adam and Flo.
Anyways whats really positive about the trip to Capetown is, that I could finally test the Compact Freestyle from Flikkaboards – which is already such an amazing Freestyleboard. There is just a bit finetuning missing to make it overall perfect, but believe me! This board is crazy in moves. Can’t wait to ride it in strong starboardtack conditions hehe…Thanks to Luka Jures for involving so much in the development of this Skateboard, aaaah Windsurfboard 😛 (but it feels more like a Skateboard)
I am not sure I wanna do a Seen Episode from Southafrica, as I am just not happy with the clips I got, and I think Seen should be a highquality thing – BUT there are still two episodes in the making from last year..Roadtripping and Vienna, I just wanna step it up with a few more clips soon.
Lately I got some Coverage again. A Story about Sri Lanka was published in the Online Mag WORLD OF WINDSURF. It looks really cool – check it out: worldofwindsurf.com.
The Story you find via edition5.worldofwindsurf.com/travel_srilanka. A warm THANK YOU goes out to my Partners, who make this life possible!