Surfgames 2019
After probably the best Springseason we ever had in Austria - the Austrian Freestyle Championships took place in Podersdorf during the Surfgames in the End of May. Unfortunatly there was just one very windy day (4.4 powered up) were we could Windsurf - so the format was a Super-Session. I could win in front of Chris Sammer with some solid Powermoves. Afterwards we run some Towin the whole weekend - but counted the contest already after just a few runs...so I had not such good moves counting (after many years without towin) and got 2nd. But with all those trainingsrun it would look totally different on the last day, as I landed Airfunnel Funnels and pushed for double Airfunnels... Anyways I had a super nice time with all the boys and can't wait to sail with them again soon. I got some proper Coverage in Austrian biggest newspaper (Kronenzeitung) and AustrianTV aswell. As it is still windy every week I will continue to chase the storms here and go a bit foiling between! Thanks for your support and see you soon.