Croatia Easter 2016
Just enjoyed some windy days down there in Croatia. Since I ve been back from Capetown – it was quiet cold in Austria, but last week a proper Bora-forecast for Istria, Croatia popped up – so I finally started the Windsurfing Season also in Europe.
We had kind of mixed conditions as I was sailing all my sails from 4.2 overpowered (local guys on 3.4-3.7) to 5.0 pumping. I was sailing with Woife Strasser from Germany, one of the most inspiring guys, I met for a long time. Altough he is around 50 and has cancer – he is really fit and pushing himself into the Freestylemoves. My friend Jo took some pictures.
On the way back I dropped by at Flikkaboards – discussing some changes on the upcoming Freestyleboard and I also picked up some Testboards from the Coreline. You can now test the Allround Wave 85, Freewave 99 and 107 in Podersdorf at Surfshop USD. If you wanna try the Freestyle its also no problem – get in touch with me! I ve a couple of boards ready to go!
This time I really wanna thank Ford Beyschlag for helping me out with this nice van (already last year), but I enjoy driving so much with it!